
Baosteel Shanghai’s RHF 2 goes into production

Date:2020/7/17 Source: CISDI

CISDI has again proved its prowess in developing recycling solutions for the steel sector’s solid waste.

It has now designed and supplied core equipment for two rotary hearth furnaces at Baosteel Shanghai.

Both production lines will recycle the iron and zinc content of dedusting ashes from the blast furnace, plus OG sludge left by the steelmaking process.

Metallised pellets produced from the RHFs have a much lower zinc content when they are returned for blast furnace smelting.

RHF technology brings substantial environmental benefits as well as economic; they protect water and soil in the surrounding area from pollution caused by traditional stacking.  

Baosteel’s RHF 1 went into operation in January and has already achieved its designed output of 250,000 tonnes a year.

RHF 2 has now been started up and is on target to achieve the same output.

CISDI now has over 50 rotary hearth furnace-based IIPR technologies and patents.



Baosteel Shanghai’s RHFs in operation