
Success for Yongyang Special Steel’s new light rail rolling line

Date:2020/11/10 Source: CISDI

A light rail line at Yongyang Special Steel in China’s Hebei Province has successfully rolled out its first rail bar.

CISDI provided the line’s mill expertise, equipment and automation control system. CISDI’s patented 2-stand BDCD breakdown mill and 7-stand UMCD universal mill have been applied.

The first bar was qualified for its cross section size and surface quality. Mill performance indicators and automated rolling stability topped off the hot commissioning.

On the same day, an additional 30 bars were continuously produced.

CISDI’s mill expertise features a high-rigidity structure with housing and an advanced technology control system. It integrates automatic gap control and hydraulic position control for the first time in China’s steel-rolling sector.

The UMCD intelligent, high-precision universal mill provides total solutions to the technological deficiencies caused by short-stress path universal mills with a fixed roll gap, and to self adaption control between the section steel’s rolling groove and micro-tension.

Marked improvements in the Yongyang Special Steel line’s process automation system, intelligence, product quality and productivity have been achieved.

The line will upgrade Yongyang’s special sections supplies - light rail, elevator rail, industrial track and mining I beam.

This line’s operation also marked CISDI’s successful transformation of its core tech into equipment and the strength of its services, from design and research to manufacturing.


The UMCD universal mill installed for a light rail rolling line at Yongyang Special Steel